Category: Uncategorized

September 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren of Kilwinning Crosse 2-237Marching forward…ever marching forward… This week I am reveling in the slow pace of southern living – visiting family in Auburn, Alabama. For college football fans, you may recognize the name as the home of Auburn University, from which my father-in-law graduated in the very year in which I was…
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September 11, 2023 0

August 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren of Kilwinning Crosse 2-237 Marching forward…ever marching forward…following the path as the sun progresses from season to season, we march forward toward the refreshing coolness of fall, and the biting coldness of winter. No doubt by the time of next month’s writing, we shall have felt breathed wisps of pending fall as cooler…
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August 14, 2023 0

July 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren of Kilwinning Crosse 2-237  We find ourselves marching along in the year…we have definitely entered the dog days of summer, but it does have its upside. I had an occasion to drive out to Winchester this past Saturday, and on the way back I took the backroads. Having been raised in a largely…
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July 1, 2023 0

June 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren of Kilwinning Crosse 2-237  We find ourselves marching along in the year…while I usually comment on the local flora, my yard is parched with all the dry weather we have had as of late! Hopefully we will get some rain soon to resuscitate all our yards. We have been busy these last weeks…
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June 1, 2023 0

May 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren of Kilwinning Crosse 2-237 Ah, the refreshing showers of April have resulted in the blooming of the wonderful flower of May – the Lily of the Valley…signifying rebirth and majesty. The Lily of the Valley flower is a bloom entrenched in deep cultural significance. In Germanic mythology, the flower was associated with the…
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May 1, 2023 0

April 2023 Trestle Board

Faithful Brethren, Ah, the refreshing smell of Wisteria and Daisies (ok, and pollen!!) fill the air with the coming of Spring. And of course, April showers bring May flowers!! It’s a wonderful time of the year. Nonetheless, these writings remind me again and again how quickly time marches forward, never ceasing, never looking back…ever forward.…
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April 1, 2023 0

March 2023 Trestle Board

Brethren, we are rapidly progressing through this year, and I was somewhat taken by surprise to realize we are already a fourth of the way through this 2023 year. Borrowing from line 284 of book 3 of Virgil’ Georgics, where it appears as fugit inreparabile tempus: “it escapes, irretrievable time”…as I watched the blossoms emerge from the Bradley Pear…
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March 1, 2023 0

February 2023 Trestle Board

Brethren, we are having a wonderfully nice Winter 2023 so far. I am hopeful that this nice weather continues, and if so, we may see trees and greenery budding sooner than usual. Bowling Green is always beautiful dressed in all the spring greenery! Getting right to business, Kilwinning Crosse 2-237 will be hosting DDGM Daniel…
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February 1, 2023 0

January 2023 Trestle Board

Happy New Year to the Lodge!! My first Trestle board of 2023!   Greetings!! Brethren, I am humbled, and I wish to thank you, for the opportunity and pleasure to serve as the Kilwinning Crosse Lodge 2-237 Worshipful Master. It truly is an honor – and I recognize its great importance to our future, and it…
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January 1, 2023 0

December 2022 Trestle Board

Happy Anniversary to the Lodge!!First Chartered December 1, 1755.  267 TODAY!!  My last Trestle board of 2022 already.  Greetings!! It has been an interesting year with both plusses (3 newly made Master Masons and 3 EAs) and minuses (the loss of some older Brethren who have passed on to the celestial Lodge and a demit).…
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December 1, 2022 0