April 2022 Trestle Board
First, I apologize for my tardiness in getting this sent out this month. I have no real excuse – just an apology.
We had a really good month in March at the Lodge conferring two EA Degrees and one FellowCraft. We were assisted in the lectures by Wor. Chuck Cooper of Fredericksburg for the EA lecture and Bro. Pat McConnell for the FC “walking” lecture. With the Covid restrictions being eased, we have also been able to take up the word and open “properly”.
At the Lodge, it is time to “step-up” our activities and start looking more clearly at near-time objectives. As mentioned last month, our “Foot-to-foot” program funds are depleted and need a top-up. Our Charity basket proceeds from Stated communications will all go to the program but any additional donations will be gratefully accepted. Checks can be made out to the lodge with “foot-to-foot” in the memo. Thank you for your generosity towards this great program!
There are now two street lights in front of the Lodge that are not functioning – Virginia Power have been notified and we hope that they will respond soon!!
On March 12th we welcomed the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, Most Worshipful James Golladay, Jr. to District #8 at the Bowling Green Town Hall! Despite snow earlier in the day, the event went off without a hitch. A fantastic meal was prepared and served by the Hanover Chapter of the Eastern Star and kudos to our District Deputy, RW Dennis Berry for seeing it through!
Our next Stated Communication is this coming Monday, April 11th, and we are hoping for great attendance! A program is to be provided by District Education Officer, Wor. Chris Tripp and we look forward to it.
On April 23rd we will host the District SLOT (Subordinate Lodge Officer Training) Program which will also be conducted by Worshipful Tripp. We will provide coffee and donuts beginning at around 8am for a 9 o’clock start for the training. I encourage you to attend and/or assist with this.
Wor. Mark Bisson has us signed up to supply 800 boxes of crayons for the “Caroline’s Promise” school drive for this year’s event. Last year we supplied hundreds of binders for the event. We will need some volunteers to man the table when this event comes around. And, speaking of tables, we have commissioned a Lodge table cover for such events. It is a classic design displaying the Lodge’s name and number nd, of course, the Square and compasses.
I am sure that there is more to tell but, as usual, I will remember it after this has been sent! I wish you all well and encourage you to restart attending Lodge. Life is getting back to normal – come and be a part of it!!
Richard J. Fisher
Worshipful Master