April 2015 Trestle Board
Please CLICK HERE to download a full PDF copy of the Trestle Board.
A Message From The East
As I traveled to Grand Lodge to retrieve several Child ID machines, I had an opportunity to speak with Ms. Marie Barnett, our Grand Lodge librarian. I was able to review some of the items from our current and historical Kilwinning Crosse and was reminded of the magnitude of our fraternity. Freemasonry is far more than a dues card or family rite. Freemasonry is a centuries old organization teaching essential moral virtues that are largely lost in our ever changing world. If anyone questions the need or application of Freemasonry to our 21st century society, they have only to ask themselves if the world would benefit from great faith, more hope, and more generous charity.
Our family is growing and our community continues to grow stronger. This month we will ballot on several petitions and host visitors from throughout District 8 and our community interested in hearing a program about the Royal Arch, provided by RtWor Tom Lewis. All brethren are encouraged to come enjoy our April program on Monday, April 13th. All members of the Royal Arch are encouraged to wear their red jackets if able.
Additionally, we will be moving our pancake breakfast to the Saturday following the Stated (April 18th). This is to provide the brethren ample reminder of this social event and to deconflict with other events throughout District 8. Remember, brethren, our charge at the end of every meeting. The definition of “inculcate” is “to instill by persistent instruction”. This implies constant observance of the tenants of our fraternity in our daily lives and active participation in lodge functions, communications, and service events. If you have been away from lodge, we would be honored to see you return. If you are not able to return to lodge, please feel free to give me a call or send a note to the lodge so we can be assured of the wellbeing or aware of the needs within our membership. It is far easier to be a band of brothers when we all make a habit of remaining active in each other’s labor and lives.
Other Announcements
Stated Communication. The April Stated Communication will be held at the Masonic Temple in Bowling Green Va. on Monday, April 13th at 7:30 pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Meal cost is $10 per plate. This month’s program will be a lecture on the Royal Arch given by our very own RtWor Tom Lewis, Past High Priest of Fredericksburg Chapter No. 23.
April Pancake Breakfast. Our pancake breakfast will be April 18th, the Saturday following our Stated. Cost is free, but voluntary donations are accepted. All proceeds will go towards subsidizing the purchase of new jewel collars for the lodge.
Lodge Research Team. The Grand Lodge librarian has notified us that certain items are available for us to observe and document in the Grand Lodge’s vault. I am appointing an archiving committee to assist in the recording of lodge artifacts owned by Kilwinning Crosse and external organizations. Since the focal point of this effort are the original lodge minutes, our Secretary will serve as committee chairman.
Online Resources. We have been heavily promoting our online resources such as CarolineMasons.org and Facebook.com/CarolineMasons. We want to ensure that the community knows of the historical significance of Kilwinning Crosse and that accurate information on Freemasonry is available to any who seek it. Please join us in sharing these resources whenever the opportunity presents itself.