February 2014 Trestle Board

February 2014 Trestle Board

February 1, 2014 Uncategorized 0

Greetings Brethren,

February is just starting, and it seems like it is going to be a busy month. I plan on visiting all of the lodges thismonth, as the District Deputy makes his official visits. If you have not visited any of the district other lodges in sometime, now would be an excellent time.

The District Deputy Grand Master for the 8th Masonic District, Right Worshipful Dave Weaver will be making his official visit at our next stated on Monday, February 10th. Please make a special effort to come out and show your support.

The 169th Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, Most Worshipful Wayne Sawyer Flora, will make his official visit to the 8th Masonic District on Saturday April 5th. It will be a TILED, CALLED and JOINT communication of the district in Kilwinning Crosse Lodge No. 2-237. More information will be provided when available.

If you have not paid your 2014 dues, please contact the Lodge Secretary (Wor. Andrew Coelho) as soon as possible so that he can close those out. He has your new dues card. If you would like you can mail a check to the lodge P.O box listed above and we will mail you your new dues card. Just a reminder that the 2014 dues are $130.00.

If anyone knows of someone who is sick or needs assistance, thoughts or prayers: please do not hesitate to inform Bro. Al Clow our Lodge Sick Committee Chairman. Looking out for one another is not a one person job; it is the duty of every Master Mason.

Finally, our local Eastern Star Chapter has agreed to prepare the meals for our stated communications on a trial basis. The cost of the meal will be $10 per plate. Last month’s meal was delicious, and I look forward to this month’s meal of chicken, potatoes, green beans, and lemon cake for dessert. I look forward to seeing you at dinner.

Charles R. DeRemer, WM