February 2015 Trestle Board

February 2015 Trestle Board

February 1, 2015 Trestle Boards 0

Please CLICK HERE to download a full PDF copy of the newsletter.

A Message from the East

This last month we were honored to raise Brother Mark Bissoon to the sublime degree of Master Mason and humbled to honor the memory of Wor Nelson Smith who recently passed away.  Both of these events paint a picture of the entirety of our lives, from beginning our Masonic labor to reaching our final resting place in that house not made with hands.  By the raising of a new brother we are reminded of the eagerness and zeal we all felt for the fraternity when we first began and by the death of a brother we are reminded of the temporary nature of our lives.

Many of our brethren have been strangers for far too long.  I encourage all brothers to speak welcoming-ly to each other and encourage participation in our social and ritualistic events.  The objective of Masonry is to support each other as friends and brothers.  To accomplish this goal, the lodge must provide opportunities for fellowship and the brethren must be eager to reach out in support of each other.  Let’s make Kilwinning Crosse a place where Masons can be great.

This month we start with a free pancake breakfast on February 7th, host the District Deputy Grand Master, and are planning on conducting an Entered Apprentice Degree.  After practice on Monday, February 2nd, we will begin our Lodge Education Program where we will review degree work and basic lodge opening/closings.  In the later parts of the year, we will be working on proficiency for the Master Mason’s degree.  I hope to see all of our brethren at our stated communication on February 9th and our other lodge programs.  As always, my contact information can be found in the newsletter and I am always available for feedback and suggestions.

Other Announcements

Stated Communication: The February Stated Communication will be held at the Masonic Temple in Bowling Green Va. on Monday, February 9th at 7:30 pm.  Dinner will be served at 6:30pm.  Meal cost is $10 per plate.  This month we will be receiving the DDGM

Lodge Training and District School: Lodge training is scheduled for Monday, February 2nd  (7pm) to prepare for reception of the DDGM.  Following practice (8pm) we will begin the Lodge Education Program starting with the basics: opening/closing a lodge.  District school will be Monday, February 22nd at 7pm.  As always, a carpool for district school will leave the lodge at 6:15pm.

February Pancake Breakfast: All brethren are invited to attend a casual pancake breakfast Saturday, February 7th between 8:00am and 9:30am. No cost.

Lodge Research Team: Several brothers are working on researching existing sources of lodge information and working to gain access to some of the lodge’s original artifacts and records.  If you would like to be a part of a research team, please approach the secretary or master during the February Stated.