August 2015 Trestle Board

August 2015 Trestle Board

August 4, 2015 Uncategorized 0

Please CLICK HERE for a full PDF copy of the Trestle Board.

Wreath and BannersA Message from the East

Many organizations slow down during the summer, but Kilwinning Crosse continues to grow and engage its members and the community.  Last month we had a cadre of past District Deputy Grand Masters, Past Masters, members, and entered apprentices assist in repainting our dining room in preparation for the hanging of our murals painted by famous artist and brother Sidney King (raised in Kilwinning Crosse).  We are also working with the Caroline County Historical Society and other community organizations to use these assets as a way to reach out to the community.  This serves to (1) spread awareness of Kilwinning Crosse as a Caroline County institution, (2) improve the relationships between our lodge and those in the community, and (3) spread awareness of Freemasonry and how our bonds to our brethren, both past and present, are what sets us apart from many modern organizations.

In many ways, these acts remind me of the challenges we face as Masons in the 21st century.  An article was passed to me from WB Ron Childress explaining that throughout masonry, generation upon generation joined us in pursuing more light.  However, in the echo of the baby boom, many failed to recognize or appreciate Freemasonry leaving a generational “gap” in our membership.  I would like to add to the article that this “gap” exists not only in our membership, but in our society’s knowledge of what Freemasonry is or what it stands for.  Many in their 20’s and 30’s know little or nothing about Freemasonry.  Some of my peers have even said they were completely unaware that the square-and-compass was a symbol for an organization and had never even heard of the ‘freemasons’. Shocking.

I am a strong supporter of the idea that it is contrary to the tenets of our fraternity to recruit or solicit membership.  To do so would surely lead to the compromising of our values and the character of Mason practicing the craft.  With that said, the morals, values, and virtues that Masonry stand for are relevant to every creature who should meet our acquaintance and should be celebrated universally.  I encourage all brethren, young or old, active or inactive, to enthusiastically (even passionately) wear their membership on their arm as a testament to those cardinal virtues we find dear as an encouragement to a society that might otherwise feel such moral principles are no more.

Other Announcements

Stated Communication: The August Stated Communication will be held on Monday, August 10th at 7:30 pm.  Dinner will be served at 6:30pm.  Meal cost is $10 per plate.  Please come and support our OES ladies by purchasing a plate.

August Pancake Breakfast – Moved Due to SLOT: Our pancake breakfast will be August 22th, the Saturday after when it was originally scheduled.  Cost is free, but donations are accepted.  All proceeds will go towards subsidizing the purchase of new jewel collars for the lodge.

SLOT Held on the 15th: Subordinate Line Officers Training (SLOT) is likely the most informative and enjoyable Masonic training you will attend.  This year’s SLOT will be held at Fredericksburg Lodge on August 15th from 8am-10am. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND all attend, especially officers or those interested in becoming an officer.

Upcoming Degree Events: Be advised that this month we will be holding a Fellowcraft Degree either August 17th or August 24th. Please be flexible for these events.  Additionally, the 1-Day Conferral will be August 29th.  All are encourage to attend