March 2015 Trestle Board
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A Message From The East
First and foremost, we welcome the initiation of Bro. Anthony Prothero into the degrees of Freemasonry. Wor Richard Corker is serving as Bro. Anthony’s mentor and we expect great things from him in the coming months and years. At the same time, we say goodbye to Bro. Arthur Hart who recently passed. We have contact his next-of-kin and offered our condolences as a fraternity and moral band of brothers.
As we have noted in previous Trestle Boards, we are conducting research on our lodge history. This is an ongoing, long-term effort that involves reaching out to local historians, Grand Lodge entities, and other lodges whose paths we have crossed over our 260 year history. If you would like to assist in these efforts, there is plenty of work to pass around. Help us to recapture our identity and document our history before it becomes lost to the ever-falling sands of time.
During our pancake breakfasts, we have insisted on not charging. The idea is that the pancake breakfasts are a labor, a sort of gift, from the officers for the lodge. In both January and February, individuals have insisted on giving some form of donation. For this reason, we will accept donations for another long-term project that has been often discussed and is not being acted on: purchase of new jewel collars.
Brethren, it continues to be my distinct honor to serve the current brethren of Kilwinning Crosse and to be entrusted with the great heritage of our institution. It is indeed humbling to be a part of such a distinguished line of officers and brethren. I am grateful for your enthusiasm and support of our fraternity.
Other Announcements
Stated Communication. The March Stated Communication will be held at the Masonic Temple in Bowling Green Va. on Monday, March 9th at 7:30 pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Meal cost is $10 per plate. This month’s program will be a summary of Kilwinning Crosse Lodge History.
March Pancake Breakfast. Our pancake breakfast will be on Saturday, March 7th at 8am. As usual, the cost is free. We will have a donation jar available only because some brethren and friends have insisted on giving back to the lodge. All proceeds will go towards subsidizing the purchase of new jewel collars for the lodge. Be advised that in future months we will move our pancake breakfast to the Saturday immediately following our Stated (to deconflict with other district events).
Lodge Research Team. Several brothers are working on researching existing sources of lodge information and working to gain access to some of the lodge’s original artifacts and records. If you would like to be a part of a research team, please approach the secretary or master during the February Stated.
Lodge Education Program. During the March Stated, we will coordinate a time for lodge education. This year I wanted to focus on individual development, so we will continue reviewing all degree rituals, opening/closing all degrees, and other lodge rituals. Unlike lodge practice, the LEP will focus on putting people in ALL positions, not only those they hold or intend on holding.